Why Good Videos Give You Credibility - In Any Industry

Vancouver is a crowded city - in more ways than one. Every saturated industry is facing stiff competition from within, and business owners are left struggling to find ways to stand out from their competition. 

So how can you get potential clients to choose you? Video is a great option – but not just for promotional purposes.

Filming with a DJI Ronin 4D

The Benefits of Video

A good videography company is capable of making you — and your business — stand out. With high-quality social media content, brand stories, commercials, and marketing services, videos have been proven over and over to be a salient, engrossing marketing tactic that transcends flash-in-the-pan trendiness. Videos, in the forms of commercials and ads, have been humanity’s primary means of advertising quite literally since the inception of television. 

In other words, video, as a medium, isn’t going anywhere.

old tube tv

Changing Times, Changing Technology, Changing Trends

That said, the prevalence of video has surged even more in the past fifteen years, a change incited by the popularity of high-quality phone cameras and apps and websites that now support and encourage the sharing of video content. This change is bolstered in no small part by social media giants like instagram (which intentionally pushes video content over any other sort of visual medium) and Tiktok, who have made the sharing of short form videos easier that ever before – and, indeed, an essential part of any modern business equation. 

By now, you might be asking: how does any of this apply to the corporate world?

Video: Not Just for Marketing Anymore

It might surprise you to learn that there are many companies, across many industries, who still have yet to meaningfully adopt video into their marketing strategies. Construction/trades, most notably, still rely mostly on word-of-mouth marketing. Even within more cutting-edge industries, like technology, video ads are largely ignored unless absolutely necessary.

Beyond the obvious benefits of video – promotions, marketing, education, and visibility – video content offers myriad dividends to any business in any industry – especially when engaging with potential clients and businesses.The most prominent benefit that video now offers is credibility.

man inspecting a gem

Reading (and Misreading) Business Marketing Trends

Trends permeate the business world, too. Think about it. Twenty odd years ago, having a website was seen as largely optional for businesses. Now, any business without a website would be considered by the general public to be untrustworthy and uninvested. 

The same rule is applying more and more to videos. The average consumer and business owner is coming from a younger and younger generation – a generation that was born into a video marketing era and knows few other ways to develop trust between themselves and the businesses they choose to frequent. Videos are now an integral part of establishing trust and credibility with your audience.

For example: a video playing on the home page of your website tells potential clients that you’re trustworthy and gives them a sense for your story and your personality before they choose you over your competition – plus, it just looks professional. Videos on your social media account show that you care about educating, entertaining, and engaging with your demographics. If you’re in construction, a before and after video showcases the quality and workmanship of your team. 

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The Good News?

Like we said before, there are many, many businesses and industries out there who have not yet adopted video into their marketing strategies. If you choose to add videos to your website pages, your social media channels, and your linkedin profiles, you’ll be seen as trustworthy, credible, and cutting edge in comparison to your competitors who haven’t yet adopted any videography strategies.

How Can We Help?

If you’re looking for ways to establish credibility, build trust, and set yourself apart, look no further – we’d love to chat to discuss your video need. Get in touch for a consultation!


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