Why Use Video to Help Build My Business?
“Do videos actually help build my business?” It’s a question more and more business owners are asking themselves, regardless of the industry they’re in.
The answer? Yes. Absolutely.
The tricky part? The videos actually have to be good.
Why Videos Work
If you’re a business owner, it may be hard to see the immediate benefits of using video on your website and social media platforms. Perhaps you’re in an industry that doesn’t seem, at first glance, to lend itself to the medium of video. Perhaps other time-tested methods of marketing, such as word of mouth, are still working for you. Perhaps video just seems too expensive.
No matter your reason, here are some things you should consider when deciding on your marketing strategies.
Incorporating Video Into Your Marketing Strategies
Simply put: there is no clearer, more succinct, and more effective way to define who you are – your brand, your mission, your message, your story – than by using video. Video is now the most effective method of reaching and communicating with a wide audience – period.
For that reason, videos about your company – videos like Brand Stories, Meet the Team, Highlight Reels, How It’s Done, Before and Afters, Ads, etc -- on your website and social media channels are no longer just for the fancy, high-end media or tech companies. They’re no longer accessories to a strong online presence – they ARE your online presence. Videos are the absolute minimum standard for any company looking to implement successful online marketing strategies.
What does that mean?
It means companies nowadays are in a tough spot. They have to produce and post videos to stay competitive, which takes time and resources, but if they make boring, or uninteresting, or poor quality videos, it doesn’t exactly make them look professional. So they avoid videos entirely because it feels like the safest option. Frankly, with video now being the most consumed and most accessible form of media worldwide, that just isn’t true anymore.
If a video is made up of a thousand still pictures, and a picture is worth a thousand words… you do the math.
Where Should I Start?
Making videos means finding ways to think differently. Today’s consumners look for video content that generates emotion, urgency, tension, and excitement. They don’t want factoids, corporate-isms, and basic information. So, how do you think differently? How do you stand out?
Here are three tips to consider:
1) Remember that it doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re in. Retail, contracting, landscaping, real estate, architecture, law, sports – any industry can be paired with video content. If you’re in construction, you can make before and after and in-progress videos. If you’re in medicine, pediatrics, dental, or a similar practice, you can help people get to know you before they even set foot in your office. Your industry does not limit the value of video; no matter the company, there is always an interesting story to be found.
For that reason, you shouldn’t be thinking about what would make a video special, you should be thinking about what makes YOU special. You, as a company and a brand, already stand out in some way; a good video production company helps you define, refine, and communicate that to a larger audience.
2) If you want to make videos that stand out, the most important thing is to be engaging. You can make the highest-quality, most technically proficient, cinematic master-class commercial ever produced, but if it’s boring, it won’t matter. People will forgive poor technical quality, but they’ll never forgive boring. This goes back to finding what sets you apart – as a business, a brand, a person – and bringing it into the spotlight.
3) Find your story, then find someone who can illuminate it well. A good video production company knows what they’re doing, technically speaking, but knows that technical aspects are a secondary priority when compared to a good story, with strong characters, and a beginning, middle, and end.
In short: when done right, video is exciting; video is compelling; video is captivating. Video is timeless. Don’t think of video as a cumbersome expense; think of it instead as a communication tool, helping you reach both existing and potential clients in a way that’s far more engaging than words or photos. It’s an all-in-one marketing tool.
How Can we Help?
We offer help from start (concepts, writing, casting, production, filming) to finish (editing, implementation, social media strategies, and more). If you’re not sure where to begin, give us a call and we’d love to chat!